General home tips Get your Spring Cleaning Done in Half the Time Spring cleaning can seem like a great idea until you actually get started. Then it often turns out to be more work than expected!  The good news is, there are proven techniques to make the job easier so you can get it done faster.  Before you begin the project, make sure you have everything you […]
Buying a home When to Increase your Budget when Shopping for a Home When you set a budget for a new home, you’re obviously hoping — maybe even expecting — to find the ideal property within that price range. But, it doesn’t always work out that way. In fact, there are many circumstances in which you might have to rethink your budget and possibly even increase it, to […]
Buying a home The Role of Carrying Costs when Buying a New Home When searching for a new home, many buyers will focus only on the list price and what they may need to offer to get the property. For example, a buyer might think, “We can get this house for $XX. That’s within our price range!” Of course, the selling price plays the pivotal role in whether […]
Selling a home Selling Later in the Year? Start the Process Now. Imagine you want to take the “trip of a lifetime” this fall. Would you leave it until the summer to start planning, booking dates, and generally getting ready?  Probably not. A trip like that is a big deal. You’d want to start making arrangements now, so by the time you’re ready to go to the […]
How to Light your Home for an Evening Viewing When you’re selling your home, you may find buyers who want to see it later in the evening, when it’s dark outside. In that circumstance, effective home lighting becomes more important.    The best place to start is with exterior lighting. If you have soft ground lamps on the walkway, make sure those are turned […]
5 Tips for Preparing for an Early-in-the-Year Sale There are numerous reasons why you might need to sell early in the year. Perhaps you even need to sell this month! Whatever your reasons, preparation is key. Make the right moves now and your sale is likely to go smoothly and successfully. Follow these tips: Make a list of what needs to be done […]
Paperwork to Get Together in Preparation for Selling your Home When preparing your home for sale, you need to fix things up, declutter, perhaps slap a fresh coat of paint on a few walls. That’s all part of getting your property ready for buyers.  But there’s another type of preparation that you also need to do. And, the sooner you do it, the less stressful […]
“Non-Market” Reasons Why it Might Be the Ideal Time to Sell When considering whether or not to sell their home, many people think about market conditions. They consider whether it’s a buyer’s or seller’s market. They look at trends. They try to time the sale to get the best price for their property.  While market conditions certainly can play a role in deciding whether you should […]
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How to Determine the Best Features of your Home What is it about your property that stands out? What will buyers like most about it? What are your home’s most enticing features? Answering those questions will help you determine which features to emphasize when selling your home. After all, you want buyers to notice and appreciate your property’s best characteristics. But here’s the challenge… […]
Selling a home 4 Reasons Why Buyers Get Turned Off by an Otherwise Ideal Property When prospective buyers view your property, you hope they will think it’s the perfect fit for them. It might well be. However, there are things that can get in the way of a buyer recognizing that perfect fit and making an offer. Take a look at these common reasons why some buyers will walk away […]
Buying a home What to Look for when Watching a Walk-Through Video Walk-through videos are becoming increasingly popular. The seller’s agent simply films a tour of a home, often including commentary, and then makes the video available to prospects. When you’re shopping for a new home, you want to get the most out of watching this type of video, especially if you’re relying on it to help […]
Selling a home Should You Accept the Highest Offer for your Home? Imagine a kid running a lemonade stand. He’s selling his product for 25 cents a cup. He’s doing okay. Sales are good. Then someone comes up to his stand and says, “I’ll give you 50 cents for a cup. But, I don’t have the money right now. Give me the lemonade and I’ll pay you […]
Pulling Together the Records you Need when Selling Imagine you’re viewing a home for sale. You venture to the basement, check out the furnace room, and notice the water heater. Is it owned or rented? As a potential buyer, you’d want to know.Now imagine a property you’re viewing has a brand-new gas fireplace. Nice! Is it under warranty? Is that warranty transferrable to […]
Easy Ways to Keep your Home “Show Ready” when Selling After your home has been cleaned from top to bottom, it’s natural to want it to stay that way. Don’t you wish you could just wave a magic wand and the place would clean itself? Unfortunately, even Harry Potter can’t manage that! However, when you’re preparing your property for sale, you really do need to […]
When You Can’t Paint Them All: Prioritizing Rooms As you may know, a fresh coat of paint is an inexpensive way to make your home look great to buyers. But, what if you don’t have time to paint the entire place? Here are three areas you should prioritize—and one you can potentially ignore. 1. Rooms with bold colours A red bedroom and orange […]
Will You Need to Lower your Price to Sell your Home Quickly? If you want to sell an item quickly—say, a couch—you can post it online, stick a super-low price tag on it and, chances are, it will be gone by the end of the day. So it’s understandable that some people think the same thing applies when selling a home. Indeed, if you need to sell […]
Selling a home How Important are Good Listing Photos? There are two trends impacting real estate photography that you should know about if you’re thinking of selling this year. First, more than ever before, buyers are relying on pictures to decide whether or not to schedule a viewing. They expect to be able to go online and “tour” your home via the photography. If […]